2015년 8월 4일 화요일

How to perfectly master your favorite K-POP star’s dancing – View a YouTube video using GOM Media Player

How to perfectly master your favorite K-POP star’s dancing – View a YouTube video using functions of GOM Media Player

If you cannot even try your favorite entertainer’s dance because the dance moves are too fast or difficult to follow, yet you wish to perfectly master it, there is a very simple and effective way to achieve it.

That is to practice the dance by using functions of GOM Media Player while watching the video.

GOM Media Player is a perfect tool to practice dancing as it has a function of controlling playback speed, a function of repeating a section and a function of mirror. A way to use the functions is also simple.

GOM Media Player Download : http://player.gomlab.com

1. Playback a YouTube video that you want to learn with GOM Media Player

After selecting a YouTube video that you want to master, if you click ‘share’ button, the web address of the video is shown.

After running GOM Player, open the menu by clicking the right mouse button or the logo of GOM Player in the upper left corner of the screen – Open – Click ‘URL’ (shortcut key: Ctrl+U).

After inserting the URL of the copied YouTube video, click ‘OK’ button to play it back. 

2. Exactly following the dance moves with the function of mirror of GOM Media Player

If you follow the motions exactly shown in the video, you will learn the dance moves in a reverse direction like a mirror image. If you want to perfectly learn the dance including the direction, change the left and right directions of the image by using ‘the function of mirror’.

Menu – Video – Click ‘Mirror-Input’ (shortcut key : Ctrl+H)

3. Viewing slowly with the function of controlling playback speed of GOM Media Player

If you changed the direction, now let’s set slow playback of the video to exactly follow the motions.

Menu – Playback – Click ‘Speed-Down’ (shortcut key : X)

4. Repeating the view with the function of repeating a section of GOM Media Player

If you can exactly follow the dance moves after viewing once, that would be great! However, even if you cannot do, you don’t need to worry. You can still master the dance moves by using the function of repeating a section.

Menu – Playback – A-B Repeat Set A-B Repeat Start Point (shortcut key : [ ) Set A-B Repeat End Point (shortcut key : ] )


It is now only a matter of time that you impress the people at a year-end party with your flashy dance moves as there are tones of YouTube videos and you know the perfect functions to master the dance moves. 

Source : GOMLab (www.gomlab.com)

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